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Fiber-aligned cavity SNSPD chips (Meander)

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Fiber-aligned cavity SNSPD chips (Meander)

Our Fiber-Aligned Cavity SNSPD Chips are engineered for superior photon detection efficiency, making them ideal for advanced quantum and photonic applications. Utilizing a cavity structure with a Bragg reflector at the bottom and a broadband front anti-reflective coating, these chips effectively trap incoming light, achieving over 90% detection efficiency. This high efficiency is complemented by a low timing jitter of <50ps, ensuring precise time resolution for critical experiments. Designed to couple seamlessly with both single-mode and multi-mode fibers, * these chips offer versatility and reliability, making them a robust solution for applications in quantum communication, quantum computing, and photon correlation spectroscopy.
*Both single mode and multimode fibers will have different performance metrics.